Create business, application and technology models for enterprise architectures


ArchiMate is a language standardized by The Open Group and based on the concepts of the IEEE 1471 standard. It is an open and independent modelling language focused on representing and describing enterprise architectures. ArchiMate is widely used in industries such as information technology, telecommunications, finance, and administration. The focus of ArchiMate is to describe business, applications and technologies with predefined language elements at a higher level of abstraction, allowing a comprehensive yet manageable model of the entire enterprise to be created for different stakeholders.

To facilitate the introduction to the Enterprise Architect tool, this training is offered in a blended learning format:

  • eLearning: The basics can be completed independent of time and location in self-study via our learning platform – so all participants have the same prior knowledge. The content currently comprises approx. 6 hours and is summarized here.
  • Live training: This is followed by the 3-day moderated online training from 9am to 4pm each day.

Target group

This training is aimed at business analysts, enterprise, solution, process and domain architects who want to gain initial experience with ArchiMate and its application in Enterprise Architect.

If you are already working or have worked with ArchiMate or Enterprise Architect, this course will help you to deepen and extend this knowledge.


Understand ArchiMate: You know the symbols of ArchiMate and their meanings and you are able to correctly interpret each diagram.

Apply ArchiMate: You know the concepts of ArchiMate and in which situations which concepts and constructs are appropriate. You will be able to develop enterprise architectures to describe the structure, behaviour, and composition of an enterprise or organization.

Use Enterprise Architect: You know the basic structure of Enterprise Architect and how to use it to create and modify models. You are familiar with the most important tips and tricks for working with ArchiMate models.

The training also provides answers to the following questions:

  • What is enterprise architecture?
  • What added value does ArchiMate provide?
  • What basic language concepts does ArchiMate offer?
  • How do I structure my model when using ArchiMate?
  • Which questions can be answered with ArchiMate viewpoints?
  • How do I model an enterprise architecture with ArchiMate?
  • How do I use ArchiMate profitably with Enterprise Architect?


In modelling, in addition to the modelling language, we need a tool – the Enterprise Architect tool – to be productive, as well as a method to properly use the language with the tool. Experience helps to work efficiently and, above all, effectively.



ArchiMate is specifically designed for enterprise architecture modelling to describe the structure, behaviour, and composition of an enterprise or organization. In this course, we focus on using language concepts and notations to model the relationships and dependencies between different architectural elements including business processes, applications, infrastructure, and stakeholders. After the course you will know the basics of:

– ArchiMate 3.1 Core Framework

  • Business Layer: Describes the business architecture and addresses stakeholder concerns focused on organizational structures, business services, business processes and roles.
  • Application Layer: Focuses on applications and their interrelationships. Information is provided about applications, their functions, interfaces and interactions.
  • Technology Layer: This layer deals with the infrastructure on which the applications and systems are operated. It includes the physical infrastructure, networks, communication and other technical aspects of the architecture.

– ArchiMate 3.1 Extended Framework

  • Physical Layer is an extension of the Technology Layer, which is used to model the physical world, such as equipment, facility and distribution network.
  • Implementation & Migration Layers play an important role in managing and executing the implementation and migration of architectures. They provide structure, clarity, and measurable results throughout the process and ensure that desired architecture changes are successfully implemented.

– ArchiMate Views (Viewpoints)

In ArchiMate language, a viewpoint is a relevant subset of ArchiMate elements and relationships that are organized and diagrammed to represent a specific part of an architecture. Viewpoints in ArchiMate serve as visual representations that focus on specific aspects, concerns, or stakeholders of the architecture. This course covers the following viewpoints, with a focus on Basic Viewpoints:

  • Basic Viewpoints cover ArchiMate elements and concepts of the three main viewpoints: Business, Application, and Technology
  • Other Viewpoints: Motivation, Strategy and Implementation, and Migration Viewpoints.



Enterprise Architect is a modelling platform that can be used in a variety of ways. After the course you will know:

  • The basic structure of Enterprise Architect
  • The most important settings and configurations
  • The difference between a model and a diagram
  • The most important trace and navigation options between the individual ArchiMate models
  • Basics of teamwork
  • Basics of versioning using Baseline
  • All important aspects of working with the ArchiMate language



In this course, you will learn how ArchiMate uses service orientation to distinguish and relate the different layers of enterprise architecture. Service orientation allows you to view business, application, and technology layers as independent of each other, with each layer providing specific functions and services.

ArchiMate is often used in conjunction with other frameworks and standards such as TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework), BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), and UML (Unified Modelling Language) to provide a comprehensive approach to enterprise architecture management.

Further courses deepen and extend your knowledge of methods.



In this course, we share with you our experience from many years of ArchiMate trainings with Enterprise Architect with tips and tricks.


A basic understanding of enterprise architecture management is helpful, but not a prerequisite.

All details on the technical requirements for this training, such as the hardware and software needed, Enterprise Architect versions or licenses, and the Moodle learning platform are listed here.

Next dates

  • 01st – 03rd of July, 2025 (Presentation language: English)

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